Teen Server Information
Everything you need to know to be a volunteer youth server at our annual banquet.
What does a Teen server do?
As a teen server you will help our caterer plate and deliver meals to our banquet guests. Don't worry, you don't have to cook! Prime Rib Restaurant is our caterer this year and they will let you know exactly what you need to do when helping get our meals to our dinner guests in a timely fashion.
What is the time commitment?
We ask that you be at the Camplex Equality Hall at 5:30pm and stay until the conclusion of the event at 8:30pm. You will be fed a free pizza dinner before you help set up, and you will have a chance to sit and enjoy our featured speaker after the meals are removed from the table.
What do i need to wear?
Please try to wear a white top and black or navy bottoms. If that is not possible, please dress nicely as possible. We ask that you do not wear sweatpants, hoodies, or sandals. Comforatble closed toe shoes would be great as you will be walking from tables to the kitchen.